

Uncovering the Truth About Low Carb Diets – A Study of the Effects on Weight Loss

Low carb diets may be effective weight-loss strategies, but they may not be as healthy as advertised. According to one recent study, following such diets could increase your risk of death. Success on a low-carb diet depends on selecting healthy food options and not overeating protein or fat. Fiber should also be plentiful to prevent […]


The Benefits of Personalized Nutrition: How Genetic Testing Can Inform Dietary Choices

Personalised nutrition involves conducting an in-depth evaluation of one’s genetic make up, medical history, lifestyle choices and preferences to set specific nutrient goals. For example, someone at risk of high blood pressure might include more potassium-rich foods in their diet while decreasing sodium consumption. Studies demonstrate the effectiveness of personalized nutrition programs in helping individuals […]


Reducing Surgical Site Infections – Latest Guidelines and Best Practices

Surgical site infections (SSIs) contribute significantly to patient mortality and healthcare costs, impacting two to five percent of individuals undergoing surgery. Prevention of surgical site infections (SSIs) can be achieved through targeted interventions and careful oversight of the surgical field, in which perioperative nurses play an integral role. Hand Hygiene One key to preventing surgical […]


The Role of Recovery in Fitness – How to Rest and Rejuvenate for Optimal Performance

Exercise, particularly intense workouts, causes muscles to tear. Over time they recover stronger and bigger as their fibers rebuild themselves – however this healing happens after recovery rather than during exercise sessions themselves. Active recovery exercises such as walking or jogging at a slower pace; swimming; Tai chi; and Yoga all help improve blood flow […]


Personalized Healthcare for the Future

Precision medicine refers to customized healthcare that addresses each person’s biology and life circumstances, with the goal of anticipating, preventing, and treating disease. Scientists who followed Mila’s development foresee a future where doctors will have access to treatments tailored specifically to each patient’s genetic makeup. Personalized Medicine As healthcare advances advance, healthcare is shifting towards […]